Friday, April 20, 2007


A Prayer of Intention
ReDEFINING The DREAM is a 24-verse prayer of intention, inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King's 'I Have A Dream' speech, and Bob Proctor, (The Secret)

The Law Of Attraction
ReDEFINING The DREAM humbly yet clearly takes Dr. Kings 'dream' to the next level, by accepting it as already done, and expressing gratitude for having already received it.

The Video
ReDEFINING The DREAM is a five and a half minute video featuring an assortment of people, reading the 24 verses, set to music.

The Result
ReDEFINING The DREAM is a moving example of how to use the "Law of Attraction", and inspire millions of people, to change our World, by changing our minds.






Jocelyn Mercer said...

Upon reading The Secret, and doing further research into the Law of Attraction through books by Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield and Dale Carnegie to name a few, I changed my life. Slowly but surely, I put some of the practices suggested into action, and IMMEDIATELY began to see results. Not only tangible results, but a change in the way I think, believe, love, hurt, work and play. What was even BETTER about this change, was that it didn't feel like I was becoming a 'new and different' person per say, but that I was FINALLY becoming the compassionate, positive, LOVING, forgiving, unstoppable person I had always known I was deep deep down. It felt like shedding about 10lbs. of layers, and getting back to my core. In short - AMAZING!

I encourage all of you to investigate this incredible new information we have been given - the Law Of Attraction has been around since the beginning of time, but we are very blessed in this day and age to have access to 1000's of resources which tell you everything about it you could possibly want to know - and from there, you can decide what role it should play in your life.

I am ReDEFINING! Thank you to all the creators, participants, and truly inspired people that made this fantastic video happen - it made my day!!


All that is Sacred said...

Thank you Veronica, You had told me about reDEFINING the DREAM about a month ago,and I lingered to watch it, read it and feel it.Knowing of the SECRET and the DREAM, the vision you have been called to share is truly what we are looking for... the truth of who we are as creators of our now and our destiny...much appreciated...I am truly blessed with new songs to sing...

Ania...singer of reality

Anonymous said...

My own prayer of intention is that you all get to realize the power and presence of all that you have created this reality... in this gift to the family of humanity. Blessings to all involved.

Anonymous said...

My own prayer of intention is that you all get to realize the power and presence of all that you have created this reality... in this gift to the family of humanity.
Gratitude & Blessings to all involved.

Anonymous said...

I just saw the video for the first time today - and am soooo moved by your dream and message that I relly have no words for it,
thankyou for sharing this with all of us.

(Radhika Ghose - Bangalore, India)